Sunday, May 31, 2009

Eclipse E4 the next generation

There are plans to change the name of Eclipse RCP to something else, I will make a post about it later. But I want to avoid confusion Eclipse E4 is a completely new version of the Eclipse Platform. Is a one of those software redesign that are wonderful and can only happen in the context of a project like Eclipse whose contributors are top professionals, domain super experts. Java is not only a language is also a culture, through Java frameworks, tools, books, community the developers get in contact with the cutting edge ideas of software design, development methodologies, testing techniques. Millions of programmers around the world trying to solve similar problems with the same tools make those tools evolve, that happens with Java and that is happening with Eclipse. If you read the Eclipse E4 design documentation you will discover how they are trying to apply those great principles of software design that are just being massively recognized by the industry and academy in the last few years. But the people implementing it are not just trying to look clever like Web 2.0 startup geniuses trying to do complex web apps with a stone age tool like Ruby. They are the early adopters os those great new discoveries of the software industry because they were there needing to solve those problems years before the rest of us. So I'm very excited waiting for Eclipse E4 to be ready to be used by the masses.
Read more about Eclipse E4 here

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